Best Exit Items for Photos



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For B&G

The cheers, the adrenaline, the excitement of running through the line of friends and family as you leave you reception.

The dip and kiss at the end of the line…aahhh…it’s SO much fun!

We want to capture all of that excitement perfectly and beautifully. So here are the BEST exit items to use to get the BEST images of your exit.

Be sure to ask your wedding planner where to purchase the best materials whichever you choose!



The rule with sparklers is the bigger the better! The more light you can give the better to get those dreamy photos!


Biodegradable Confetti

I mean just look how FUN this is! So much fluff and depth of field (went all technical on you) but seriously! The best part is that it is biodegradable!



I mean, need I say more than go big or go home?! Fireworks are always THE best way to have the big finish to that perfect day.


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