New York City || Summer Vacation 2016



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Life of Nate & Grace, Travel

What a trip! Nate and I so loved getting away and exploring the Big Apple. All the sites, food, people and adventures were incredible. I wanted to share a few (ok a little more than a few) of our favorite photos and spots we experienced on our vacation. We went on the trip with my oldest brother Caleb and his wife Ginna along with my second oldest brother Luke and his wife Misha. It was one of those trips that we will talk about at the family reunion in 20 years. Unforgettable.

We started off walking around beautiful Central Park. Everything was green and new and looked nothing like Texas.

This coffee shop below was part of a beautiful church! It was so cool and ended up being my favorite coffee shop in NYC.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art was our next stop. We were like little kids in a candy store as we gazed at gorgeous pieces of art. I was mesmerized by some of the amazing talent of these artists.

If you didn’t notice it had rained. We had been biking around the park for about 10 minutes when it decided to start pouring down rain! We were all soaked! But it was so worth it and we didn’t mind one bit. When we had finished our bike ride walked through the park again to see what other little nooks we could find. Because Central Park is just so big you can never see ALL of it.

You see when you’re a photographer and you find amazing light after a rain you stop your family and tell them “We’re having a mini photo shoot!” Thankfully my brother Caleb and Ginna (the couple in the left photo) are wedding photographers as well! So when they saw the light they were just as ecstatic about it as we were!

The next morning we started off with a guided tour the 9/11 museum. If you ever go to New York City please be sure to go through this museum. There were many tears and sickening feelings in the stomach. But it was all worth really seeing what happened on that day. I wish I could tell you all the little stories we learned about the survivors and heroes.

Lunch in the park was just so perfect!

Coffee Shop

Grand Central Station

St. Peters Cathedral

Sunset in New York

Times Square

Third day started again with coffee. We are all kind of coffee lovers. Ludlow Coffee Supply was delicious and cozy and this morning the coffee and donuts tasted extra good.

The Brooklyn Bridge was so much fun! SO many people.

After walking around for days we really wanted to just chill. So we looked up a rooftop bar and spent the rest of the afternoon there. It was so nice just relax with a beer in hand and then Empire State Building in the background.

Yes….another coffee shop the next day. Except this one was in Brooklyn and turned out to be one of our favorites! They coffee was ridiculously good but the atmosphere was even better!

It’s July the 4th and we decided to spend it in Brooklyn because you can get an amazing view of NYC wit the fireworks in the foreground. You’ll see those photos if you keep scrolling. 🙂

Brooklyn pizza HAD to be had. So we had it. And it was delicious. And it may have been the best decision we made on the entire trip.

And there you have it! Our 2016 Summer vacation. Full of memories and stories and food. Thank you to my brothers and sister in-laws for making so many fun memories with us! Where hsolud we go next?!


  1. Mary Bug says:

    Oh my word! The best part of the trip looks like all these beautiful (and very diverse) portraits and memories. So lovely and so fun! You did such a good job of documenting your family in such unforgettable places.

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